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You Don’t Want to Miss This!
SPOHNC is very pleased to announce that the long-anticipated and updated version of WE HAVE WALKED IN YOUR SHOES: A Guide to Living with Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer Digital Edition. This is the latest edition of WE HAVE WALKED IN YOUR SHOES updated in April 2021.
WE HAVE WALKED IN YOUR SHOES: A Guide to Living with Oral, Head and Neck Cancer is a welcomed resource for patients, survivors and their families. This book contains the basics about the symptoms and diagnosis of head and neck cancer, types of treatment and common side effects. It also offers a section to list your healthcare team, a personal calendar and journal, diet and nutrition information, and a list of resources. It is beautifully illustrated with impressionistic paintings of the 1800’s.
WE HAVE WALKED IN YOUR SHOES… contains a wealth of information for newly diagnosed patients, caregivers, and those going through treatment. Healthcare professionals, clinics, diagnostic centers and cancer institutions throughout the U.S. will also find this book to be of great value.
We Have Walked in Your Shoes - Digital
We Have Walked in Your Shoes - Digital
Includes a digital access token that will be emailed to you. Contact Us if you did not receive your token.

For bulk orders please call 1-800-377-0928 or email us at
NOTE: Due to higher shipping costs to countries outside the U.S., please call to place your order (1-800-377-0928 or 516-759-5333). Please allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.